Description of the application breakdown into separate modules
The general principle driving the breakdown is the need to differentiate between different deployment scenarios.
- MessageXML module — XSD schemas defining the data structures of the Bitmagasin messages
- Protocol module — Contains the general protocol functionality, like message bus connectors, message processing and data transmission code
- Access client module — Contains functionality for reading from the BitMagasin. This includes Get File, Get Checksums and Get File IDs
- Modifying client module — All functionality for writing to the Bitrepository is located here. This includes Put File, Delete File and Replace File.
- Processing client module — Contains the client side functionality for Processing Single File and Mass Processing
- Alarm client module — Contains the Alarm client functionality
- Integrity client module — Contains the integrity client code
- Audit client module — Contains the client side functionality for accessing audit logs.
- Monitoring module — Contains the code for the central monitoring service, which is part of the Coordination Layer.
- Integration module — The tests for examining the integrated system (or part of it).
- Common module — Contains code shared by all modules. Examples are utils and configuration loading.