Setup of development environment

Setup of development environment

Here you can the documentation need to setup a development environment

After you have setup your development environment, you should be ready to start Building the Bitrepository.


Install IDE together with relevant extensions.


  1. Setup /wiki/spaces/APP/pages/11541888 with all the SBForge /wiki/spaces/APP/pages/11542044
  2. Install TestNG plugin (update site ) for unitt testing functionality.
  3. Install checkstyle plugin for Sonar codestyle integration. Note that we use the 'SBForge way' profile on the Bitrepository project.


  1. Setup /wiki/spaces/APP/pages/11542229 with all the SBForge extensions
  2. TestNG is already part of IntelliJ
  3. Install checkstyle plugin. Note that we use the 'SBForge way' profile on the Bitrepository project.

Command line


  1. Installer /wiki/spaces/APP/pages/11538241.


If you are going to use Subversion from the command line, you need to install a client for this

XML validation

XML files can be quickly validated against schemas using the xmllint command from libxml.

To validate all xml-example-files in the message-xml module, use the following command from the examples/data directory:

 xmllint --schema ../../xsd/BitRepositoryData.xsd *.xml

and the following command from the examples/messages directory

 xmllint --schema  ../../xsd/BitRepositoryMessages.xsd *.xml

The windows version of xmllint doesn't seem to handle wild cards on the command line, to process all XML files in the current directory use (batch file syntax, remove a % to get it working on the command line):

FOR %%i IN (*.xml) DO @xmllint --schema ../../xsd/BitRepositoryMessages.xsd %%i >NUL: