9:00 - XX Technical discussions
Possiblities from Spring (Nicolas)
Nicolas has as part of the work with the BnF curator frontend worked with the [Spring Framework|http://www.springsource.org/documentation].
BnF rich media harvesting setup (Nicolas)
BnF are currently starting to harvest Youtube like videos, which is very interesting from a NAS point of view as improved Rich Media harvesting is on the project prioritexed list. Sara will try to digup information regarding the BnF setup.
Wayback (Mikis)
Let's share any Wayback experiences
- Are BnF or ONB using Wayback for access.
- Are they using the NAS Wayback module.
Free text search (Mikis)
In Denmark we are starting to look into using SOLR for free text searching of our web archives. Has BnF or ONB any experience with free text searching?
Using the Bit Repository as archive (Mikis)
We are in DK hoping to move to the The Bit Repository project, Mikis will talk a bit about this
Development process (Mikis)
- We have had som problems up to codefreezes where is has been difficult to establish a properly QA'ed codebase. How do we work towards a more robust codefreeze?
Roadmap (Mikis)
Let's try to define a prioritized list of improvements we would like to include in the development in the near future.
Candidates are:
- Introduce Spring.
- Convert to Maven build
- Harvest data model refactoring (NAS-1833).
- Refactor system state monitor JMX code (NAS-1829).