Note that this documentation is for the coming release NetarchiveSuite 7.4
and is still work-in-progress.

For documentation on the released versions, please view the previous versions of the NetarchiveSuite documentation and select the relevant version.

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This tool takes as input several arcfiles, and inserts all the records of the input arcfiles into a single arcfile. This arcfile is currently dumped to stdout, but can of course be redirected to a file.


export CLASSPATH=/path/to/installdir/lib/netarchivesuite-common-core.jar
java arcfile1.arc arcfile2.arc > resulting.arc

This tool takes an input file, an URI for this file, and a mime-type for this file, and creates an ARC-file with only one ARCRecord, which has the input file as contents, and with the given mimetype and URI. The ARCfile is written to stdout, but can of course be redirected to a file.


export CLASSPATH=/path/to/installdir/lib/netarchivesuite-common-core.jar
java input_file uri mime-type > myarchive.arc

This tool generates CDX-entries for all ARC-records in the given ARC-files, and prints the CDX'es to stdout, but can of course be redirected to a file like we show below.


export CLASSPATH=/path/to/installdir/lib/netarchivesuite-common-core.jar
java [arcfile]+ > output.cdx

This tool makes large files primarily for testing purposes. The tool needs two arguments, the number of bytes that must be written (nbytes), and the name of the file to write to. The number of bytes must be > chunksize (currently 10000000), otherwise 0 bytes will be written to the file.


export CLASSPATH=/path/to/installdir/lib/netarchivesuite-common-core.jar
java nbytes filename





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