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The common details of setting up services for the Bitrepository

Concrete services:

Child pages (Children Display)

Service requirements

The different services has a common set of requirements:

  • An application server which to run on (Tomcat)
  • Bitrepository collection and reference settings files.
  • A PEM formatted certificate and key file for the service
  • Configuration files
  • Databases for storage

In the following a there's a general description of the above items.


Open the file "tomcat-users.xml" from $TOMCAT_ROOT/conf/ (Assuming $TOMCAT_ROOT is the base directory for the server, if installed through the yum packaging system on a Fedora box it would be /usr/share/tomcat) and add the following:

No Format

<role rolename="manager-gui" />
<user username="tomcat" password="something-secret" roles="manager-gui"/>


Below is an general example of setting a context parameter in the context.xml.default file.

Code Block
titleSample context file
<Context override="true">

The table below lists the current available services and their corresponding parameter-names

Service name

parameter name



Alarm service


Integrity service


AuditTrail service


Monitoring service


Configuration files

The needed configuration files should be placed in the directory indicated by the context parameter value.

The specific service page lists the needed configuration files.

The logging setup is done by the logback.xml file and is likely to be similar across the different services, probably only differing to which file the log is written to. Below is an example logback.xml file. The content of the <file>-tag should be altered to reflect the file that is to be logged to.

Code Block
titleSample logback.xml file
 &nbsp; <appender name="FILE">
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <\!-\- encoders are assigned the type
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ch.qos.logback.classic.encoder.PatternLayoutEncoder by default \-->
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <encoder>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <pattern>%d <encoder>
        <pattern>%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS} \[%thread\] %-5level %logger{36} - %msg%n</pattern>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;      </encoder>
&nbsp;  </appender>

&nbsp;  <root level="INFO">
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;    <appender-ref ref="FILE" />
 &nbsp; </root>

&nbsp;  <logger name="org.bitrepository" level="DEBUG" />

Certificate and keyfile

For collections where encryption, authentication, messagesigning etc is needed, the service needs to have access to its private key and certificate. For this a PEM formatted certificate is needed.

For making a PEM formatted file the attached script pkcs12topem can be used to convert a pkcs#12 formatted certificate and key file to the needed PEM format.

The placement of the PEM file is indicated to the individual service via a properties file located in the services configuration directory. See the individual service page for the properties file.