Versions Compared


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2F-S25 editionPage: Any node not ending in .brik must have name of the form [avisID]-[editionID]-[0-9]{4}[A-Z]? where avisID is as in film-xml and editionID is as parent directory name

2F-S26 editionPage: Any node not ending in .brik must contain a .alto.xml attribute with name prefix as that of parent node (if the altoFlag is set)2F-S27 editionPage: Any node not ending in .brik must not contain a .alto.xml attribute with name prefix as that of parent node (if the altoFlag is not set) <functionality moved to Mfpak-checks>

2F-S27 <functionality moved to Mfpak-checks>

2F-S28 editionPage: Any node not ending in .brik must contain a .mods.xml attribute with name prefix as that of parent node


Sequence number checks (java)

2F-Q1 Page numberingThe numbering: The pages numbered inside of a film across editions and UNMATCHED folder must be sequential without holes starting with 0001.


2F-Q3 Workshift-iso-target numbering: For the batchnodea given targetSerialisedNumber, the film suffix image numbering billedID numbering (last number NNNN) must be sequential without holes and start with 1.

2F-Q4 Film-suffix numbering: Inside of a Batch node, the film sequence numbers (last number in filmID) must be without holes starting with 1.

2F-Q5 Film-ISO-target numbering: Inside of a FILM_ISO_TARGET node, the target image numbers must be in sequence without holes starting with 1.2F-Q6 Edition numbering: Inside of a date node, the numbering must be must Q5 Edition numbering: For the edition nodes for a given date, the numbering (the number after the date) must be in sequence without holes starting with 1.


2F-M3 film/edition: Each film only contains editions from dates that are expected from MFpak

Other checks


 2F-M4 editionPage: Any node not ending in .brik must contain a .alto.xml attribute with name prefix as that of parent node (if option B1, B2, or B9 is "on")

2F-M5 editionPage: Any node not ending in .brik must not contain a .alto.xml attribute with name prefix as that of parent node (if all of options B1, B2, and B9 are "off")

Other checks

2F-O1 Checksums: Check that all checksums are correct