The Index
The main focus is one on the index. The current netarkivet index consists of CDX records like
Code Block |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
.... |
To bulk-feed the index there are two scripts - one for data-records and one for deduplication records
Code Block |
while read datafile; do
echo indexing $datafile
java -cp ../webarchive-commons-jar-with-dependencies.jar org.archive.extract.ResourceExtractor -cdxURL $datafile > temp.cdx
cat temp.cdx>>full.cdx
curl -X POST --data-binary @./temp.cdx http://localhost:8888/cdxidx
done <nonmetadata.txt |
Code Block |
while read datafile; do
echo indexing $datafile
grep "duplicate:" $datafile > metatemp.crawl.log
java -cp nas/lib/netarchivesuite-wayback-indexer.jar dk.netarkivet.wayback.DeduplicateToCDXApplication metatemp.crawl.log > metatemp.cdx
curl -X POST --data-binary @./metatemp.cdx http://localhost:8888/cdxidx
cat metatemp.cdx>>metafull.cdx
done <metadata.txt |
where nonmetadata.txt
and metadata.txt
are just files with lists of data and metadata files to be indexed. Note that indexing of data warc-files uses standardised code from the wayback project, while indexing of deduplication events requires locally-developed code from NetarchiveSuite.
Indexing Results
After about 24 hours, the total indexed is as follows
Records | CDX Files | TinyCDXServer |
150 000 000 | 59GB | 5.3GB |
This is about 1/140 of the whole archive, corresponding pretty well with our expected value for the total CDX file size of 8TB. With TinyCDXServer, the whole index could fit in about 750GB.
Estimating the indexing time from this exercise is a bit more complicated because deduplication records are indexed much quicker than data records, presumably because metadata files are much smaller. The 150 million records here are only 1/3 data records and 2/3 deduplication records, but for the archive as a whole the majority of records are data records. (Deduplication is only used for images and other large files, never for text.) So running single-threaded as here it would take around 300 days to reindex the archive! Hopefully we can do better ...
Installing OpenWayback is now relatively straightforward if it's the 20th time you've configured a wayback instance. We use our own customised wayback overlay from https://github.com/netarchivesuite/netarkivet-openwayback-overlay . Because all the data files are locally mounted on isilon we can use wayback's own DirectoryResourceFileSource
to resolve file paths, while the ResourceIndex
is pointed at the TinyCDXServer
Code Block |
<property name="resourceIndex"> <bean class="org.archive.wayback.resourceindex.RemoteResourceIndex"> <property name="searchUrlBase" value="http://localhost:8888/cdxidx" /> </bean> </property> |
and we're done. See http://belinda.statsbiblioteket.dk:8090/wayback/ . But proxy mode access behaves very weirdly - inconsistent results on reload, missing elements, missing stylesheets etc.
Problems with OpenWayback in Proxy Mode are discussed in the email thread at https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/openwayback-dev/6LSJd0872qo but I don't believe that they reach a satisfactory conclusion. It is correct that ProxyHttpsResultURIConverter gives correct behaviour during playback, but it breaks the navigation both in the CalendarView page and in the Toolbar. A possible solution is to hack both Toolbar.jsp and CalendarResults.jsp to use a different UriConverter. For example by modifying the code in each case:
Code Block |
UIResults results = UIResults.extractReplay(request);
WaybackRequest wbRequest = results.getWbRequest();
RedirectResultURIConverter conv = new RedirectResultURIConverter();
conv.setRedirectURI(results.getReplayPrefix()+ "jsp/QueryUI/Redirect.jsp");
results = new UIResults(results.getWbRequest(), conv, results.getCaptureResults(), results.getResult(), results.getResource()); |
This has been only partially tested.