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Som jurist har jeg brug for at juridiske fakta registreret på objektet kan bringes i spil i forhold til et licenssystem, så vi er sikre på kun at give adgang til det, vi har ret til at give adgang til


M – must

S – should




Epic Link






As Web and external user I will be able to harvest objects that have changed since last harvest (including deleted objects), so I can maintain a syncronised copy or index of the repository.


Formidling - Eksport af metadata Det er muligt, man kan, men jeg tror det ikke. Man kan dog høste enkelte elementer.

As DCM I will be able to see the checksum of the individual file in the repository so I at any point in time can make a manual checksum check.


Bevar.handl. - Integeritetstjek 

As DCM I will be able to ensure that the collections objects are validated/characterized so we are certain that the formats are correct.

Bevar.handl. - Validering, karakterisering mv. 

As DCM I will have a system, that supports persistent IDs so I for eternity can reference the object with the same ID.


Persistente ID’er (PID) / ID 

As internal user of the system I would like to have different user roles, so we can limit who will be able edit and who will be able to change the configuration of the system.

Adgang - Roller, rettigheder og licenser 

As metadata person I will be able to mass edit metadata for instance across a collection, so I do not have to open and update every single object.


Metadataber. - manuel 

As metadata person I will be able to add extra metadata to all files in a collection at the same time, so the collection get enriched.

Metadataber. - manuel 

As metadata person I will be able to change metadata field X for all files in collection Y at once, so the collection gets updated uniformly correct

Metadataber. - manuel 

As collection owner I will be able to use the normal metadata protocols and standards, so as few metadata as possible has to be adapted to new standards


As collection owner I will have different models for metadata for different objects and collections, so there is much flexibility when a choice has to be made between different metadata models and protocols.


As metadata person I will be able to add fields in the metadata protocol, so I can expand the description of the objects if new information come.



As DCM I will be able to see an overview of file formats in the collections, so I can see if there are formats, that have to be migrated




As DCM/collection owner I will be able to maintain provenance of collections and objects, so I can ensure the different objects history of digital maintenance and end users.

Tracking - Proveniens 

Muligt, men kræver dog extension


As developer and maintainer of metadata I will be able to find history and old versions of metadata so I can troubleshoot and correct errors as well as evaluate the correctness and integrity of data.

Tracking - Versionering Muligt, men kræver dog extension
SSom DCM vil jeg som en del af karakterisering kunne udføre virustjek, sådan at jeg kan rense for vira eller dokumentere infektionsgraden

As DCM I will be able to do virus check as part of ingesting so I can have a clean collection and furthermore give a report of which infections that occurred.

Ingest - Virus Muligt, men kræver dog extension
SSom samlingsejer og systemudvikler vil jeg kunne autentificere mine brugere ved hjælp af eksisterende brugerregistre, f.eks. WAYF, AD, NemID, sådan at vi og brugerne ikke skal administrere et separat brugerregister

As collection owner and system developer I will be able to authenticate the users by existing user registration registers for instance WAYF, AD, NemID so both we and the users does not have to administer a user register separately.

MSom driftsansvarlig vil jeg kunne udføre backup på det kørende system, sådan at jeg kan have kontinuert og konsistent backup.

As system operator I will be able to perform backup of the running system, so I can have a continuous and consistent backup

Systemkrav - Drift 
MSom driftsansvarlig vil jeg kunne replikere centrale dele af systemet (metadata-storage?) så det ikke er nødvendigt at have nedetid ved (de jævnlige) opgraderinger der kommer

As system operator I will be able to replicate central parts of the repository so it is not necessary to have the system being down during the frequent upgrades.

Systemkrav - Performance Muligt, men kræver konfigruationsændring
SSom bruger vil jeg kunne ingeste mange store filer

As user I will be able to ingest many large files

Ingest – Manuelt 
MSom jurist eller metadataspecialist vil jeg kunne klausulere en række filer, sådan at de efterfølgende ikke vises til brugere der ikke må se dem

As a lawyer or metadata specialist I will be able to proviso a number of files, so they in the future cannot be seen by users that are not allowed to see them.

Adgang - Klausulering 

Muligt, men forudsætter, at filerne er private.

MSom jurist vil jeg kunne håndtere rettigheder for objekter, sådan at jeg kan styre brugers adgang.

As a lawyer I will be able to handle rights of objects, so I can control the different user's access.


Adgang - Roller, rettigheder og licenser 

Muligt, men kræver, at objekterne er private.

MSom jurist vil jeg kunne definere slutbrugerroller, sådan at jeg kan håndtere store brugergruppers adgang.Adgang - Roller, rettigheder og licenser 

MSom juristvil jeg kunne slå op, hvilke aftaler, licenser og lovgivning, en samling er underlagt, sådan at jeg til enhver tid kan se, om vi har fået tilknyttet de korrekte rettigheder til den enkelte samling.

As a lawyer I can define the role of the end user, so I can handle large user groups access


Adgang - Roller, rettigheder og licenser 




As a lawyer I need that legal facts are registered on the object and can be brought in play in a license system, so we can be sure that we only allow access to those that legally should have access.

Metadataber. - manuel 


MSom jurist vil jeg kunne knytte juridiske faktaoplysninger/metadata (herunder afdækning af ophav/klarering) tæt til objekterne, så vi sikrer, at vi kender disse metadata, når vi bruger objekterne

As a lawyer I will be able to tie legal facts/metadata to the objects, so we ensure that we know these metadata, when we use the objects.

Metadataber. - manuel 
MSom jurist har jeg brug for at knytte oplysninger om værkstype (tilhørsforhold til samling) til objekter, så jeg kan fremsøge specifikke værkstyper, da brugsretten ofte knyttes til en værkstype

Ad a lawyer I may tie different information about the relation to the collection to the object, so I can find specific relations to collections since the right of use often are tied to that.

Metadataber. - manuel 
MSom samlingsejer vil jeg sikre, at mine brugere får adgang til de dele af samlinger, vi har lov til at give brugeren adgang til, sådan at vi giver adgang til mest muligt uden at få juridiske problemer

As collection owner I will ensure, that my users get access to the parts of the collection that they may access, so we give access to as much as possible without having legal problems.

Adgang - Roller, rettigheder og licenser