- Price
- Initial subscription price
- Free storage size limit
- Either total price or price per year
- Individuals
- Organizations (including publishers, scientific societies, libraries, funders, and others)
- Size limit
- Default uploaded file size
- Uploaded file size on request
- Number of files that can be stored
- Total allowed storage capacity
- Allowed data types
- Data types
- What is the plan for ensuring that the data type can be read in the future?
- Research restrictions
- Not allowed material
- Research phase
- Research topic requirement
- Like astronomy, biology, archeology and so on
- Access to data
- Conditions that the files have to fulfill
- Tracking users and statistics
- Restricted Access
- Data security
- How many copies of the data are present?
- How protected are the data?
- Location
- Place located
- Accept material from
- Ownership
- Versions
- Safety
- Sustainability
- What is the plan in case the service gets terminated?
- What funding is there?
- How much do the users of the service contribute with
- How high is the risk of the service getting terminated
- Withdrawal of data
- Revocation of DOIs
- Data privacy
- Virus check
- Encryption
- Form restrictions (like corpus, survey etc)
- Policy/Law
- Preservation of data
- Retention period
- Functional preservation
- File preservation
- Fixity and authenticity
- Metadata
- Access and reuse
- License
- Requirement/wishes (Ingest, Data Management, Preservation, Administration, Archival Storage and General)
- Submission Information Package (SIP)
- Record decision relating to SIP
- Identify data objects
- Validate files
- Automated extraction of metadata
- Record related physical material
- Select and configure automation
- Process large numbers of large filesFulfills Dublin Core metadata
- Persistent unique internal identifiers
- PDI associated with content information
- PREMIS metadata schema
- Describe data at different levels of granularity
- Maintain relationship between different file representations
- Store technical metadata extracted from files
- The digital archive will fulfill Dublin Core metadata
- The digital archive will guarantee long-term preservation and integrity of the data
- The digital archive will be certified to the Trusted Repositories Audit and Certification standard
- The digital archive will have access controls that can be used to restrict access to sensitive data if this is necessary
- Preservation plans for individual or groups of files
- Automatic checking performed post-migration
- Record actions, migrations and administrative processes
- Disposal of data where appropriate
- Record of what, when and why material got disposed
- Reporting capabilities so statistics can be collated
- Monitor the integrity using checksums
- Error report when data are lost or corrupted
- Compliant with OAIS
- Integrate with a range of repository or content management systems
- APIs for integrating with other systems
- Incorporate new digital preservation tools as they become available
- Extracting and exporting data and metadata
- Support and technical help is available
- Under active development
- Community of users exists