Code Block |
git clone git@github.com:statsbiblioteket/PROJECT-NAME-HERE |
You can now merge in commits from the master branch
Update changelog
Find changes since last commit using
Code Block |
git log |
Then update the changelog and make sure it lists these changes:
Code Block |
Newer versions are at the top of the changelog.
Make sure embedded documentation and configuration is correct
Check that bundled configuration files and documentation is still correct for the new version.
Configuration files should be found in
Code Block |
src/main/config |
and documentation should be found in
Code Block |
or referenced from there.
Do a clean build
To check the code builds, run
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mvn clean verify |
There should be no errors.
Run Maven Release plugin - prepare
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mvn release:prepare |
You will be prompted to resolve SNAPSHOT dependencies if there are any.
For each SNAPSHOT dependency, you need to resolve, whether you should use:
- The previous released version - if so replace e.g. 1.7-SNAPSHOT with 1.6
- The next released version - if so replace e.g. 1.7-SNAPSHOT with 1.7 (this assumes it has been released - otherwise you need to release that dependency first)
For the development version, you should usually use the next SNAPSHOT version after the one you release with - e.g if you release with a dependency of 1.7, set the development version to 1.8-SNAPSHOT
You will also be prompted for which version number you wish to use for release, in development and in tagnames. Accept the defaults.
EXCEPTION: When we do a major release version, bump e.g. 1.7-SNAPSHOT to 2.0 on release and 2.1-SNAPSHOT in development.
Run Maven Release Plugin - perform
You have added sbforge nexus to you maven settings, and are allowed to upload to sbforge nexus.
Your pom contains information about git repository and (usually thorugh a parent pom) maven repository (nexus)
Perform the release
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mvn release:perform |
This should run without errors and upload the commit to nexus.
Push commits to Github
Code Block |
git push |
to push commits to Github
Create wikipage
Create a page with information about the release, following the same template as e.g. this page:
Batch Structure Checker - release 1.9
Autonomous components are all subpages to this page:
Other components are subpages to this page:
Send package to IT Operations
Send an email referring to the wiki page to IT Operations.
Ask them to install it to the stage system.
It may be helpful to visit their office and talk about the package.