Versions Compared


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Comment: Updated link to mq

We have prepared a bash shell script that starts all the necessary components on one machine. We will use this script throughout this quickstart manual to allow you to get a feel for what the system can do and how it works without having to deal with issues of distributing to other servers.

Table of Contents

Base system required

For the quick startup, NetarchiveSuite requires:


  • start a terminal login to the linux system as a ordinary user
  • check java version is version 1.6.0_19 (or higher) by writing:

    Code Block
    $ java -version

    you should then see something like

    Code Block
    linux>java -version
    java version "1.6.0_19"
    Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_19-b04)
    Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM (build 16.2-b04, mixed mode)


Download of the newest release is described here


  • Open this link in a browser window
  • Click the Linux Link under version 4.4 Binary Downloads to download a file (or later version)
  • Save the download file to the netarchive directory you created earlier 
  • Goto the directory

    Code Block
     $ cd ~/netarchive 
  • Unpack the zip file (this creates a directory openmq4_4-installer), and run the X-Windows installer. The installer ask you to choose an install-home (choose netarchive/MessageQueue), and a JDK.

    Code Block
    $ unzip
    $ cd openmq4_4-installer; ./installer
  • Set necessary environment variables: IMQ_HOME, IMQ_VARHOME, IMQ_ETCHOME)

    Code Block
    $ export IMQ_HOME=$HOME/netarchive/MessageQueue/mq
    $ export IMQ_VARHOME=$IMQ_HOME/var
    $ export IMQ_ETCHOME=$IMQ_HOME/etc
  • Run imqbroker in order to create settings file

    Code Block
    $ chmod +x $IMQ_HOME/bin/imqbrokerd
    $ $IMQ_HOME/bin/imqbrokerd 
  • check that

    Code Block

    starts and that the last message is

    Code Block
     "Broker <localhost>:7676 ready" 
  • stop the imqbroker by pressing

    Code Block
  • edit settings to allow for enough listeners to a queue by doing

    Code Block
  • uncomment and specify count=20 for listeners by changing line

    Code Block
    #            imq.autocreate.queue.maxNumActiveConsumers


    Code Block

To start it, do the following:

Code Block

$ cd netarchive
$ $IMQ_HOME/bin/imqbrokerd &


When the installation script is run it will unpack the installation files into the netarchive/deploy directory and install NetarchiveSuite into the /home/test/QUICKSTART directory (using ssh). It assumes that user 'test' already exists. Remember to check, that a Sun JVM is in the path for the test (instead of GNU java compiler, that is default with some Linux'es.). If you already have a Quickstart installation, the existing bitarchive, database and files will be untouched. You must explicit remove any previous installation, if you want a clean empty installation.

Code Block

$ chmod +x
$ ./ deploy_standalone_example.xml deploy/


  • Start a web browser. Note that it is important that the browser is started on the same machine as the simple harvest script is run on
  • Anchor
    Setup the browser to proxy on port 8070 and exclude localhost and the hostname (used by the Heritrix GUI) e.g. in firefox:
Code Block

Choose in the firefox toolbar:
Manual Proxy Configuration
and add:
Proxy: localhost
Port: 8070
No Proxy for: localhost
  • Write following url in the started browser http://localhost:8074/HarvestDefinition
  • You can now see the webinterface in the browser. You can now create, run and browse according to the following or the User Manual
  • You can stop and start the entire NAS system with:
Code Block

ssh test@localhost
  • If you want to try other deploy examples, then go to "Examples of deploy configuration files" in the Installation Manual.
